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Deliverable 2.1 - Modeling for cyber-physical risk assessment

2024-11-21 15:40:38

The work presented in this document has been performed in the frame of CYPRESS WP2, titled “Cyber-physical risk assessment of transmission systems”. The objective of CYPRESS WP2 is to develop a coherent methodology for the ex ante assessment of the cyber physical risks facing the electric power system. The document is the outcome of task T2.1 titled “Modeling for cyber-physical risk assessment”. The task was defined with two complementary modeling objectives. Firstly, to address the question of cyber-physical dynamic equivalent models allowing to abstract away smaller or neighbouring parts of a system while studying its behavior from a more global perspective. The precise scope here was to investigate how one could leverage existing approaches that allow to abstract away the physical behavior of the system sub-part in question, so as to also reflect their cyber - physical behavior. The second objective was to extend the scope of the physical benchmarks deemed relevant in task T1.3 so as to fit the needs of transmission grid cyber-physical risk assessment.

Deliverable 1.4 - Specification of a cyber-physical real-time test environment

2023-09-27 15:30:29

It is clear that there is an ever increasing cyber threat to power systems worldwide. In order to mitigate this threat and ensure systems remain resilient and performant in the face of evolving adverse cyber events, simulating both the physical power system and the cyber system that provides control, protection and automation is increasingly essential. Numerous studies rely on standalone simulation,
however, performing a co-simulation of both the physical system and the cyber system is essential when considering the impact of one system on the other (e.g. the impact of a cyber attack on the physical system).

Report D1.3 describing the benchmarks

2023-09-27 15:38:28

This document is the third deliverable of the ”Cyber-Physical Risk of the bulk Electric Energy Supply System” (CYPRESS) project.

The work presented in this document has been performed in the frame of the first work package, WP1, titled ”Criteria and benchmarks for cyber-physical risk management ”. The main objective of WP1 is to generalize and adapt the concepts currently used in reliability management of electric power and energy systems so that they can correctly cover the cyber-threats from various system wide control and communication layers while accounting for a large number of small active devices connected closer to the system edge. This work package should ensure coherence of the modeling and validation approaches to be used in both WP2 and WP3.

Deliverable 3.1 - Arbitrating between preventive and corrective cyber-physical risk mitigation

2024-11-21 15:38:39

The CYPRESS project aims at developing novel knowledge, methods and tools needed to help ensure the security of supply through the transmission grid, while accounting for the specific nature of cyber-threats and integrating them into a coherent probabilistic risk management approach. It is articulated along three research themes, aiming to develop: i) novel models and benchmarks for computer simulation and laboratory testing of the cyber-physical electric power system security of supply, ii) techniques for assessing the cyber-physical security of electric energy supply, and iii) techniques for enhancing the cyber-physical security of electric energy supply. The project scope falls entirely within the category of “fundamental research” within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 because it is experimental and theoretical work undertaken essentially with a view to acquire new knowledge on the foundations of phenomena or observable facts. The project is not intended to develop commercial tools.

CYPRESS : Report D1.2 – Describing the relevant cyber-components, threats, and barriers

2022-11-18 16:07:41

This document is the second deliverable of the ”Cyber-Physical Risk of the bulk Electric Energy Supply System” (CYPRESS) project. The work presented in this document has been performed in the frame of the second task (T1.2) of the first work package WP1, titled ”Criteria and benchmarks for cyber-physical risk management ”. The objective of CYPRESS WP1 is to generalize and adapt the concepts currently used in the reliability management of electric power and energy systems so that they can correctly cover the cyber-threats from various systemwide control and communication layers.

CYPRESS: Report D1.1 describing the selected performance metrics

2022-11-18 16:07:58

This document is the first deliverable of the “Cyber-Physical Risk of the bulk Electric Energy Supply System” (CYPRESS) project.

The CYPRESS project aims at developing novel knowledge, methods and tools needed to help ensure the security of supply through the transmission grid, while accounting for the specific nature of cyber-threats and integrating them into a coherent probabilistic risk management approach. It is articulated along three research themes, aiming to develop: i) novel models and benchmarks for computer simulation and laboratory testing of the cyber-physical electric power system security of supply, ii) techniques for assessing the cyber-physical security of electric energy supply, and iii) techniques for enhancing the cyber-physical security of electric energy supply. The project scope falls entirely within the category of “fundamental research” within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 because it is experimental and theoretical work undertaken essentially with a view to acquire new knowledge on the foundations of phenomena or observable facts. The project is not intended to develop commercial

Cyber-Physical Risk of the bulk Electric Energy Supply System

The Cypress project: Cyber-Physical Risk of the bulk Electric Energy Supply System

2021-02-24 15:36:27

On 1 November 2020, the Cypress projected started. The project is being carried out by KU Leuven/EnergyVille, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Liège Université and Blacklight Analytics and aims at developing novel knowledge, methods and tools needed to help ensuring the security of supply through the transmission grid, while accounting for the specific nature of cyber-threats and integrating them into a coherent probabilistic risk management approach. The project has a duration of 5 years.

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